歩いてみよう 津和野百景図

by 株式会社コア



Shimane Prefecture Tsuwano-cho, has been certified to the Japanese heritage, the smartphone app to enjoy the city walking.

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このアプリは、津和野百景図に描かれた場所を訪ねたり、おすすめのまち歩きコースをナビゲートしてくれたり、ついでに立ち寄りたい観光名所を探せたり、津和野の町のお気に入り写真をみんなで共有できたりする、津和野のまち歩きのためのスマートフォンアプリです。【使い方】機能1:百景図を探せ!GPS機能を使って、百景図に描かれた場所(百景図ポイント)を見つける機能です。気になる百景図からその場所を探す方法と、自分のいる所の近くにある百景図を探す方法の2種類があります。気になる百景図ポイントが見つかったら、「ここへ行く」ボタンで、ナビゲーションが始まります。また、まちを歩いていて近くに百景図ポイントがあると、プッシュ通知で教えてくれます。機能2:現代版百景図を作ろう写真投稿・共有アプリ「Instagram」を使った、津和野のまちの写真をみんなで共有できる機能です。ハッシュタグ「#tsuwano100」を付けてお気に入りの写真を投稿すると、アプリにあなたの写真が投稿されます。機能3:百景図を訪ねるおすすめのまち歩きコースを紹介する機能です。おおよその所要時間や各百景図スポットとナビゲーション、またその他の見どころなど情報満載。まずはこのコースで百景図のある津和野のまち歩きを楽しんでみてはいかがでしょう。機能4:観光地情報津和野には百景図スポット以外にも、城下町らしい見どころがたくさん。百景図めぐりの合間にたくさんの見どころにも出会えます。【日本遺産 津和野今昔〜百景図を歩く〜】このたび津和野町は「津和野今昔〜百景図を歩く」というストーリーで日本遺産に認定されました。栗本格齋の描いた「津和野百景図」を手本として、町並みや伝統行事、自然景観を守り伝えてきた津和野町民の暮らしそのものが「遺産」として認められたものです。およそ150年前の幕末の頃の津和野藩の様子をイキイキと描いた「津和野百景図」は、当時の景色や習俗を伝える興味深い資料です。この百景図をめくっていくと、津和野に「今も残っている風景」がたくさん描かれていることに気づきます。「鷺舞」「流鏑馬」「津和野城跡」「藩校養老館」といった無形、有形の文化財をはじめ、桜や紅葉の名所など風光明媚の地、それに鮎や猪、松茸、山菜など“食べられる”百景図も描かれています。 そして、これら百枚の絵図に描かれた題材の半分以上は、今日の津和野でも目にすること、体験することができるもの。つまり、津和野を訪れると百景図の時代と今が、つながっていることが分かります。また、百景図に描かれた幕末の津和野の風景は、啓蒙思想家西周や明治の文豪森鷗外が藩校養老館へ通っていた時代のもの。“幕末に描かれた絵図をガイドブック”に、“彼らも見たであろう風景を求めて町を歩く”———そんな貴重な体験をしてみませんか。This app, or visit a place that has been drawn in Tsuwano Hyakkei view, or me to town to walk navigate the course of the recommendations, or find the attractions you want to stop by incidentally, can be shared with everyone your favorite photo of the town of Tsuwano or, it is a smartphone app for the town to walk in Tsuwano.[How to use]Function 1: Hyakkei view the find!By using the GPS function, drawn location (Hyakkei view point) to Hyakkei view is the ability to find. And methods from Hyakkei diagram anxious search for the location, there are two ways to look for Hyakkei view in the vicinity of the place where you were. When you have found the Hyakkei view point to be worried about, the "go to here" button, navigation will start. In addition, if there is a close to the Hyakkei view point walking through the town, they will tell you a push notification.Function 2: Lets make a modern version Hyakkei viewUsing a photo post and share app "Instagram", it is the ability to share with everyone the city photo of Tsuwano. If you post your favorite photos with the hash tag "# tsuwano100", are you of the photos posted on the application.Function 3: visit the Hyakkei viewThis function is used to introduce recommendations of town to walk the course. Approximate time required and each Hyakkei view spot and navigation, also full of information and other points of interest. First, why not try to enjoy the town walk of Tsuwano with Hyakkei view in this course.Function 4: tourist destination informationIn addition to Hyakkei view spot in Tsuwano, attractions seems castle town a lot. We meet in a lot of attractions in between Hyakkei Figure tour.[~ Walking Japan heritage Tsuwano Past and Present - Hyakkei view]This time Tsuwano-cho, has been certified in Japan heritage in the story of "Tsuwano walk the Past and Present - Hyakkei diagram".As a model was drawn by chestnut authentic 齋 "Tsuwano Hyakkei diagram", streets and traditional events, the life itself of Tsuwano town that has been told to protect the natural landscape is what was recognized as "heritage"."Tsuwano Hyakkei diagram" depicting the lively a state of tsuwano domain of time of approximately 150 years before the end of the Edo period is an interesting material to tell the time of the scenery and customs. As you flip through this Hyakkei view, you will notice that the "landscape that remains even now" has drawn a lot to Tsuwano. "Sagimai" "Yabusame" "Tsuwano Castle Ruins" intangible, such as "Hanko endowment Museum", including the cultural assets of property, plant and equipment, cherry blossoms and autumn leaves of attractions such as scenic of the earth, it Ayu and wild boar, pine mushroom, such as edible wild plants "eat" hundred also drawn Jing view.Then, more than half Subjects depicted in these hundred pictorial is to the eye in Tsuwano today, what can be experienced. In other words, now the era of Hyakkei view and visit the Tsuwano is, you can see that you are connected.In addition, Hyakkei diagram drawn Edo period of Tsuwano of landscape are those of the era of Enlightenment thinkers Western Zhou and Meiji great writers forest 鷗外 was through to Hanko endowment Museum. "The drawn pictorial guide book to the end of the Edo period" in, "they also walk the town in search of a landscape that would have seen" --- Why do not you such a valuable experience.